Restore all databases from a backup folder using powershell

# Import the dbatools module
Import-Module dbatools

# Set the folder path where the backups are located
$backupFolderPath = "E:\MSSQL\Backups"

# Get all backup files in the folder
$backupFiles = Get-ChildItem $backupFolderPath -Filter "*.bak"

# Set SQL Server instance name
$serverInstance = "localhost"

# Loop through each backup file and restore each database separately
foreach ($backupFile in $backupFiles) {
    $backupFileName = $backupFile.FullName
    $databaseName = $backupFile.BaseName

    # Restore the database
    Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $serverInstance -Path $backupFileName -Database $databaseName -SqlCredential sa

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